Saturday, September 12, 2015

Podcasts and Youtube

There are some great podcasts out there to help inspire authors.

Self Publishing Podcast
Author Strong
Rocking Self Publishing
A Writer's Life
The Creative Penn
Author's of Passion

There are a lot, but these are some of my top ones, I also talked about this in my YouTube video where I discussed resources for Indie and beginning authors.

Podcasts can give you so much information. You can listen to ways other authors write, the way they write faster, and how they promote.

Just hearing how others are doing it can give you some great inspiration.

These are easy to listen to while you clean, write, read, depending on how good of a multi-tasker you are.

There are some YouTubers out there as well such as Jenna Moreci and PT Hylton which will help you if you have time to stop and watch some videos or just have them on in the background, because you don't really have to watch them.

Thanks for writing,


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