Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Why Yellow Jackets Can't Find the Hole Excerpt and Trailer


The Yellow Jackets are a group of young men in their early twenties who have taken a vow of sexual purity. But making a vow and keeping a vow is two different things. Each of them struggle in one way or the other to remain sexually unscathed. Bryant, one of the Jackets, has moved off campus from the all-boys school and finds himself neighbors to a very tantalizing beauty. Only this girl is much more than she seems, and unbeknownst to Bryant, she makes it her mission in life to take his virginity. Bryant and his roommates, in the meantime, are slowly discovering that all of their fellow Yellow Jackets have secrets. Not to mention that there’s a spy in their midst—one who is doing everything he possibly can to expose the fact that the Yellow Jackets are not as ‘pure’ as they all seem.


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Friday, May 23, 2014

LaQuette Interviews her Main Character from My Beginning

Interview with Dr. Genesis Lawrence
My Beginning
Hello everyone,
My name is LaQuette and I am the author of the novel, My Beginning.  I wanted to give the principle character in my novel, Genesis Lawrence, the opportunity to come out, and meet some of you good folk today.  So without further ado, readers of the Writer’s Inspiration, please help me welcome the very beautiful and talented, Dr. Genesis Lawrence.
Genesis: (Sitting in her large high-backed leather chair in her office, she smiles and tips her head slightly while closing her eyes) Wow, thanks LaQuette, I don’t ever recall being introduced in such a way.  I feel like a celebrity.
LaQuette: Maybe that’s because you are a celebrity?  I’ve seen those photos of you and Drew on all those tabloid shows.
Genesis: They’re after Drew, I just happen to be there.
LaQuette: I don’t think that’s entirely true, Dr. Lawrence.  I’d be hard pressed to find someone who isn’t familiar with the head of physical therapy at Trinity Rehab.

Genesis: (She shakes her head and rolls her eyes while letting a soft giggle escape her lips) I think your writer’s mind is just making me sound pretty as usual.

LaQuette: Possibly, but not likely.  Alright, so the book has been out for a little while now.  People now know a great deal of personal information about you.  Some of your deepest and darkest secrets are out in the world for everyone to read at their leisure.  How do you feel about that?
Genesis: (She looks down again, a habit she has when she’s not the most comfortable with the topic at hand) Exposed.  I’m not really one for living my life in the public.  For years I’ve let my business partner Faith handle all of the publicity for the center because I really tried my hardest not to be seen.
LaQuette: Why was that?
Genesis: Because for a long time I felt as if people stared at me too long they would see past the very careful picture I painted of the confident medical professional.
LaQuette: Are you not confident in your abilities to practice your medical skills?
Genesis: Absolutely, but people often assume that if I am strong in one area of my life, then I’m strong in all areas of my life.  If people saw just how flawed I was, I was afraid it would compromise their opinion of the professional me. 
LaQuette: Has that happened?  Has your business suffered since the book came out, and all your personal skeletons came crashing down around you?
Genesis: (She shakes her head and smiles) So far, so good.  People apparently understand what it’s like to come from a semi-psychotic family.  Who knew?
LaQuette: How are things with your family since the release of the book?
Genesis: For some, things are really good, and getting better all the time.  For others, not so much.
LaQuette: Care to elaborate?
Genesis: No.
LaQuette: How are things with Charlotte?

Genesis: Not up for discussion.

LaQuette: I think the readership deserves to know what happened after the last page of the book.
Genesis: I think the readership, and the author need to mind their damn business.
LaQuette: Alright then, moving right along.  Can we at least talk about Drew?
Genesis: (A smile climbs her face, her eyes widen and her cheeks turn the tiniest hint of rose under her mocha skin) What about Drew?
LaQuette: I see he’s still putting a smile on your face.
Genesis: It’s his specialty, it really is.
LaQuette: What does Drew do for you that no other person has ever done for you?
Genesis: That’s easy, he doesn’t think I need to be fixed.  Flawed and all, I’m perfect to him, just the way I am.  You can’t buy that kind of love.
LaQuette: He didn’t always embrace your flaws.  Like the fact that your inability to trust left him in a very precarious and dangerous position.  How did that impact your relationship?  How did you get past it, and how are you currently working on it?
Genesis: I nearly cost Drew his life because I didn’t take five seconds to think with my heart instead of my head.  It’s something I’m not certain I will ever forgive myself for.  It wasn’t easy, but Drew forgave me.  That’s the wonderful thing about him.  As soon as he decided that marrying me was more important than holding on to his anger, and keeping us apart, he wholeheartedly jumped back into our love.  I don’t know that I’m capable of that kind of forgiveness.  I only hope I’m worthy of it.
LaQuette: What’s your idea of a good marriage? Do you think that’ll happen in your life?
Genesis: (She runs her fingers over the heavy-looking diamond ring resting on her marriage finger) This (she says pointing to the ring), says I do.  I wouldn’t have accepted it from Drew if I didn’t believe we would be happy.  As for what makes a good marriage, the need to put your partner’s needs before your own.  Drew taught me that, Drew gives me that, and for the rest of my life, I’ll give him that in return.
LaQuette: That’s new, I guess the R&B sensation didn’t skimp when it came to your ring, did he?
Genesis: Not in the least.
LaQuette: Amazing, it’s such a huge leap from where you started on the first page of my book.  You’ve grown.
Genesis: You wrote me that way, I don’t really get why you’re surprised (she shrugs her shoulders).
LaQuette: I don’t remember you having this much attitude.  I think you’ve been hanging around True too long.
Genesis: Possibly, we have been around each other since birth. 
LaQuette: How is True?
Genesis: At the moment, as far as I know she’s fine.  I think she’s back in New York dealing with some family stuff.  Her cousin Heart was injured on the job.
LaQuette: Sounds like True, always taking care of everyone.  But let’s get back to you for a moment.  Let’s talk about your upbringing.  You are a PK, a preacher’s kid.  You were raised in a Baptist church with very conservative values.  How has that affected your relationship with Drew?  Did you ever feel conflicted about engaging in pre-marital sex with him, and living with him now before the two of you are married?
Genesis: Not for one single, solitary minute.  My belief and faith in God is a strong part of who I am.  But I’m done with allowing any man, church, anything to keep me from receiving the love I deserve.  I spent a huge chunk of my life having people in my father’s church tell me why I was always wrong.  Those very people abused me, tried to destroy me.  Never again.  Drew.  Is.  Love.  I’m not particularly concerned with anyone else’s opinion, I’m never giving him or us up.
LaQuette: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more certain or determined about anything.  I don’t think you could have made that statement a year ago and meant it.
Genesis: A lot can change in a year.
LaQuette: If you had the opportunity to spend a day with any person, living or dead, who would you choose?
Genesis: Angela (she almost whispers on a shaky voice), Drew’s mom.  For a long time, she was the… (she takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly)…yeah, it would be Angela.
LaQuette: I must tell you, it’s so wonderful to see you walking down this path.  When I wrote the story, I knew you could end up here if you only let someone in.
Genesis: What path is that?
LaQuette: Happiness.  Before, you always seemed so stuck.  You didn’t want to go backward, but you couldn’t find the momentum to move forward either.  It’s good to see you moving, moving toward a future of your own creation. 
Genesis: Strange thing about that, I didn’t even realize how stuck I was.  It wasn’t until I wanted something more than I wanted to be afraid that I felt I could move.  God I love that man.
LaQuette: I think it’s pretty obvious how you feel about life right now, or at least life right now with Drew, so I won’t ask you what life is like for you.  However, my last question for you is this: if there were anything you could change about your life, about any part of your life, past present or future, what would it be?
Genesis: (That bright smile begins to curve her lips again) Not a damn thing!

Genesis Lawrence left her home and family in Brooklyn, New York ten years ago and never looked back. When you've spent your entire life protecting yourself from the ones that are supposed to love you, running to the other side of the country seems like the best idea ever. Emotionally bankrupt, she begins rebuilding her life after failed familial connections and a broken marriage leave her too raw to ever believe happiness exists for her. Work as a Physical Therapist in her rehab clinic is all she knows and all she wants.   Drew Marrack has spent the last year of his life trying to end the soul-searing pain of losing his mother by any means necessary, even if that means ending him—literally. After a tragic accident and a resulting disability that devastates the tattered remnants of his world, only one name can give him a brand-new start: Genesis.   Pain, heartache, secrets, and tragedy from the past bring them together, and then fight to tear them apart. Is new love strong enough to give them the fresh beginning they both need, or is this simply the beginning of their end?

A native of Brooklyn, New York, LaQuette spends her time catering to her three distinct personalities: Wife, Mother, and Healthcare Provider. Writing: her escape from the everyday, has always been a friend and comforter. She loves writing and devouring romance novels. Although she possesses a Masters degree in English Lit, she'd forego Shakespeare any day to read something hot, lusty, and romantic.

Twitter: @LaQuetteLikes
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Make Like Elsa and Let it Go

Dear Fellow Indie Author, You are smart, creative, talented, and brave. If you weren't then you wouldn't have the courage to write your novels. You wouldn't put your thoughts and words down for the world to see. You need to remember this when you start to feel down, and you start to feel bullied. Why would you as brave and smart as you are let them take you down?


You know who you are and what you are capable of. You know that you are brave and what other people say about you shouldn't matter. Those people are immature, insecure, cowards hiding behind their computers starting hate blogs and spreading trash because it's more fun than their mundane lives. Causing you pain gives them pleasure for what ever sick reason. It's time to rise past the trash talking, it isn't going to bother you anymore. It's time to rise above the haters, they can't get to you at all!

It is time for you to rise above and build your own staircase of success. You are talented, if you don't think so ask the next person you see if they have written a book. We aren't all amazing wordsmiths, we all need help, we all need editors, and we all need each other. You aren't perfect, there is always room to learn and grow as a writer. We don't do this for their approval, we do it because we love it, and it's something that gives us joy.

It's time to build up your walls, and toughen up your skin. If you give up you will never know if you could have been successful. Everyone starts somewhere, and trust me, everyone has haters.


Write for you and do what you love. Ignore the bullies, and the critics, and GoodReads, and the reviewers and all the haters and just do you. You are getting people talking, people are noticing, and you're managing to piss some people off.

These are all good things.


I support you 100%


Friday, March 7, 2014

Guest Post From Elaine Calloway!!

Don’t Forget the Details in Your Setting
By Elaine Burroughs
There are various quotes about details that have been modified over the years, but I think James McBride said it best: “As a journalist, the details always tell the story.
How true. Details matter, whether you’re a writer trying to incorporate senses (sight, smell, touch, sound) into your manuscript, or whether you’re trying to tell a friend about a movie they should see. The details are what make the subject come alive.
In many ways, details are the difference between telling and showing. Consider the following examples and which ones offer more information for your audience.
Telling: She was tired.
Showing: Kayla let out a long yawn before turning off the light.
Don’t you “see” more in the showing sentence above?
Let’s try another one, just to get your taste buds going!
Telling: Lunch looks good.
Showing: Alex folded the rice into the mound of crawfish etouffee on his plate, and the sizzling spices teased his nostrils.  

With showing (or giving details) the reader can picture the scene easier. It lets each person envision something specific, versus saying “she was tired” which doesn’t offer much visual, audible, or sensory detail.
So remember that as you’re writing that manuscript or describing a TV show, book, or movie to a friend…details count, so be sure to use them!

Book Blurb:
EARTHBOUND, Book 3, Elemental Clan Series
Some say history repeats itself, but for Terran, an Earth Elemental, history has returned and slapped him in the face. Along the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, the Acobi Fallen Angels have decided to go underground–literally. They are resurrecting an old legend, shanghaiing innocent people into slavery. Underage girls are trapped and kept in holding cells, ready to be sold into the sex trade. Terran must stop the Acobi and keep the public away from the Shanghai tunnels, all while keeping his supernatural powers hidden.

Kelly Habersham, overachieving real estate developer, has finally convinced her father and brothers to give her the Portland condo project, which would require extensive construction near the tunnels. Determined to impress her father and make a name for herself in the family business, she is not about to let a Save-the-Earth guy get in her way.

Terran and Kelly must work together and come to a truce--or they may be the next shanghai victims.

Social Media Links:





Some say history repeats itself, but for Terran, an Earth Elemental, history has returned and slapped him in the face. Along the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, the Acobi Fallen Angels have decided to go underground–literally. They are resurrecting an old legend, shanghaiing innocent people into slavery. Underage girls are trapped and kept in holding cells, ready to be sold into the sex trade. Terran must stop the Acobi and keep the public away from the Shanghai tunnels, all while keeping his supernatural powers hidden.

Kelly Habersham, overachieving real estate developer, has finally convinced her father and brothers to give her the Portland condo project, which would require extensive construction near the tunnels. Determined to impress her father and make a name for herself in the family business, she is not about to let a Save-the-Earth guy get in her way.

Terran and Kelly must work together and come to a truce--or they may be the next shanghai victims.

Elaine Calloway

Crafting Stories of the Living, the Dead, and the Eerie In Between.

Elaine Calloway grew up in New Orleans with a love of cemeteries, gothic architecture, and all things paranormal. She is currently writing The Elemental Clan Series, a good vs. evil set of tales involving Elementals and Fallen Angels. For more information and to connect with Elaine online, visit her website at http://www.elainecalloway.com.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Bottom of the Kindle - One

I often buy books when they are free or .99 cents. I sometimes can't resist a one click especially when it is free, or on sale and I know it is going to be a good read. The problem is when I do this I have books that sit on my Kindle for a long time without getting read. I have been trying to read for thirty minutes at least everyday, so I thought before I one click and get more piled up on my e-reader I will start at the bottom and work my way up. Early in my writing career I snatched up a lot of freebies without paying attention to quality, covers, and all that stuff. So I bring you the bottom of the Kindle series, this is where we dive into those poor souls that have been collected. The first one in the pile, I am not skipping any is Rose Pressey's How to Date a Werewolf. You can see the info about it below, and after I read it you will see my Goodreads review embed below. If at anytime I have do not finishes I will note that on the post as well. 

Book One in the Bottom of the Kindle Series

Romance can be a hairy business--especially when you're a werewolf.

As the owner of Get a Mate Dating Service, Rylie is more than happy to step in and lend a hand to lonely lycanthropic hearts all over town. No matter how hopeless Rylie might be in finding her own soul mate, she has a knack for helping others find theirs.

Convinced that she is stuck with a family curse, Rylie is positive she will never find her true love. But when drool-worthy Jack Chandler shows up at her door, Rylie wonders if maybe the curse is finally broken.

But Rylie's life is about to become complicated courtesy of the after-dark crowd. When she begins receiving strange notes and harassment from a jilted client, events careen out of control.

2/23 - I haven't gotten very far in the book, but I am a little intrigued. I am about to read a little in it before I fall asleep. I started it 8 days ago, so that's not really good. Let's hope I get into it tonight!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spotlight on Forgetting Fallenwood by Leslie D. Soule

Forgetting Fallenwood 

What happens when Ash accidentally makes her way through another portal, this time into the Other Realm, and forgets she ever went to Fallenwood? More importantly, how much of one's identity is made up of memories? Fallenwood 2 is the continuing journey of heroine Ash Kensington. Struggling with a deep sense of grief, sorrow, and overall confusion, Ash tries to work her way through to a deeper, underlying meaning. This search leads her back to Fallenwood, where the mystery unravels itself as she realizes that a very sinister force may be underlying everything… 

Author and Links

Leslie D. Soule is a fantasy writer from Sacramento, California. She has a B.A. in English and is currently working on her first-ever quadrilogy, The Fallenwood Chronicles. 


Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Forgetting-Fallenwood-Leslie-D-Soule/dp/1612356842/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391576115&sr=8-1&keywords=Forgetting+Fallenwood


Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/forgetting-fallenwood-leslie-d-soule/1116964600?ean=9781612356846


Melange Books: http://melange-books.com/authors/lesliedsoule/index.html


Spotlight on The Admirer by Aurelia Osbourne


This city will ruin you, just as it ruined your mother.
Rose Fraser has been given the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to go to London as a debutante for the London season, as Viscountess Latimer's personal protégé. She is nervous yet excited at the idea. However, her excitement soon fades away when she starts receiving threats in the form of intricately folded, anonymous notes. Nerves turn to fear as the notes escalate. Feeling trapped, unable go to the police, she turns to the only person she thinks can help her: her most serious suitor, private investigator James Grey. But will he uncover the truth before things take a turn for the worse?


And so the days passed. Rose did not speak to Mr. Grey, though they did see each other when she accompanied her aunt to the opera on Thursday. Those few moments of eye contact had been worth the snide comments that her aunt had taken to make whenever Mr. Grey was seen, or mentioned in conversation.
     No new note arrived on Friday, which should have been a greater relief than it was. Rose had come to believe that her tormentor could read her mind, and that he would have had a few choice words about her feelings for Mr. Grey. She could not quite convince herself otherwise, despite the lack of note as evidence.
     On Saturday morning, at breakfast time, the plans for what had become the usual walk in the park were dashed by an apologetic Robinson.
     "Oh, for Heaven's sake!" exclaimed Aunt Edwards after Robinson gave her an extensive list of household affairs that required her attention. "Can you not take care of this yourself?"
     "I've managed what I can, madam, but I'm afraid these matters do require your attention."
     "This will take me all morning. But if there's no choice... Rose, you will find some other way to busy yourself this morning. Try not to get in anyone's way."
     "I could take you to the park, if you still wish to go."
     Everyone turned to look at Uncle Edwards, who simply finished his breakfast, apparently unaware of the shock his words have caused.
     "You? Walk in the park?" Aunt Edwards laughed at the idea.
     "Of course I would not walk," replied Uncle Edwards, offended by the suggestion. "We would take the horse and carriage, go for a ride."
     "Oh, you are being ridiculous, my dear. You have not handled a carriage since we left for the city."
     "Exactly, and high time I got back to it. And it seems to me that, as you'll undoubtedly be busy this morning, the decision belongs to Rose."
     When both her aunt and uncle turned to her, Rose was reminded of the dinner conversation that preceded their departure for London, these many nights ago. This time, however, the decision came much more swiftly. She had missed her uncle; his company, which had always been easier for her to bear, had been scarce since their arrival in town. Her aunt would be very busy this morning. Besides all that, it was a beautiful day, and it would be a shame to spend it cooped up inside.
     "I think a carriage ride in the park is a wonderful idea. I would love to."
     "Excellent! Then the matter is resolved. We leave in half an hour."
     As her aunt had no real objections to the scheme, thus ended the discussion.

"Now that we are alone," said Uncle Edwards as the horse and carriage made its way down the street and to the park, "how are you, Rose?"
     "I am well, uncle."
     "I assume that by 'well', you mean your aunt hasn't run you completely ragged yet." Her uncle sighed. "Rose, I wish you would stand up for yourself. The world will not end if you say no to her."
     "She would be upset with me, uncle. You know how I dislike conflict of any kind."
     "Conflict is a part of life, my dear. You will never be able to please everyone you meet at all times. Tell me, honestly, do you enjoy life in the city so far? Shopping and walks in the park and dance lessons, every morning? Calling on a different person for tea every afternoon, followed by dinners and evenings at the theater and balls, every night?"
     "It is somewhat tiring, I must admit."
     "We both know where this is leading, if your aunt has any say over this: you married to the richest man you can sink your teeth into, so you can keep on this crazy merry-go-round social scene. Is this what you want?"
     "No," said Rose hesitantly.
     "I do not wish for the richest man, but for a good man. One who would care for me. One who, perhaps, would be agreeable to partake in a much less active role in society."
     Her uncle remained silent as they entered the park, and for a moment longer still. "Would I be wrong in guessing that you already met such a man?" he finally said.
     Rose quietly shook her head. "At least I hope I have."
     "That boy who paid a call on you last week. What was his name, Grey?"
     Rose nodded. Her uncle nodded as well, seemingly lost in thought.
     Rose could not explain what happened next. It felt like something out of a nightmare. The horse inexplicably took off at neck-breaking speed. Her uncle cried out various interjections to the beast, to no avail. The reins, much too slack to begin with, kept slipping through his hands. The shouts of indignation of the passersby turned to cries of fear and pain, as not everyone could get out of the way in time.
     Every time the carriage hit something, whether it was a person or a mere bump on the road, Rose was terribly jostled. After a particularly bad hit, she found herself thrown halfway out of the carriage. She watched helplessly as her hat fell to the ground, to be crushed under the carriage wheel. She feared her head would be next.
     It was at that moment that Uncle Edwards took back the reins and violently pulled the carriage to a stop. It was too much for Rose's precarious position, and she fell.
     Thankfully, she was saved from a painful landing by a pair of strong hands, who gripped her arm and awkwardly pulled her back in the carriage.
     "Are you hurt?"
     There was something familiar about the voice, though she was certain she never heard it before. She looked up at her savior: the man was indeed a complete stranger.
     "Miss?" the stranger asked again as he tried to catch his breath. Rose realized that she has not answered his question. She shook her head: she was scared but unharmed.
     "I believe that was enough excitement for today," said Uncle Edwards. "Let's go home."
     "Would you allow me to accompany you? It appears that your horse is easily startled; you may find yourself in need of assistance again."
     "We are much obliged to you, sir, but that won't be necessary. We reside nearby, and I'll be keeping a better grip on the reins from now on."
     "Very well, if you insist, I'll let you be on your way. Good day, sir."
     Uncle Edwards tilted his hat to the man and awkwardly turned the carriage around.

"Oh, Goodness. What have you done with yourselves? Where is your hat, Rose?" Aunt Edwards fussed over Rose's disheveled hair and dress as soon as she stepped into the vestibule. Uncle Edwards had left her at the door, declaring that he needed a drink and was headed to the pub.
     "Something scared the horse, and the carriage went out of control. I am afraid I lost my hat in the incident."
     It would have been ungenerous of Mrs. Edwards to take pleasure in her husband's failure to control the horse and carriage he insisted on taking out this morning. And yet what else could explain the satisfied smile that graced her face, if only for a moment?
     "Well, I suppose it could be worse. You are not injured, are you?"
     "No, my aunt."
     "Good. You will have to change for today, but with a careful pressing, the dress will be as good as new. We shall go shopping for a new hat, soon. Go to your room; I will have Eliza join you to redo your hair and help you change."
     Aunt Edwards turned and made her way out of the vestibule, with Rose at her heels. The very next moment, the door opened and Robinson walked in.
     "Robinson?" Rose had not expected him to be out. "Where have you been?"
     "The grocer, miss."
     Rose looked down at the butler's empty hands. Before she could question him, her aunt called out. "Rose, how many times do I have to ask you to stop pestering Robinson? Go on to your room, you have to change and get your hair fixed before we leave for tea."
     Rose did as her aunt bade, but questions and suspicions swarmed in her head like bees. It appeared most irregular to her for him to return from the grocer empty handed. But on the other hand, Robinson should have no need to lie to her about something so trivial. There might be a simple explanation. Perhaps he had not found what he was looking for. But Aunt Edwards had been present, and she was not one to let such an oversight go by without comment. It was possible that she didn't want to embarrass him in front of Rose, but her aunt was not usually so discreet.
     She continued to question and suspect and doubt herself and others all through the day. Her feelings were only exacerbated when another note was delivered to her that evening.
Would you choose the pleasures of the city over your own life?
I believe this morning's event made it clear
That you cannot have both
Her tormentor had scared the horse into running off, then. He could have killed her. He probably would kill her, unless she left London, which she could not do.
This confirmation of her worst fears was not as terrible as the possibility that this tormentor was much closer than she had believed, that perhaps he lived under the same roof. This possibility, Rose could neither fully accept nor reject. She slept poorly that night.

Author Bio

Aurelia Osborne is the pen name of a Canadian author, born and raised in the National Capital region. She studied literature, art history, translation, and creative writing. She hates talking about herself, especially in the third person. The Admirer is her first novel.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

30-30-30 Challenge Accepted

Happy New Year! I hope so far 2014 is treating you well. I have a new challenge for my author friends, and it will be fun to do it together!

So the goal is to make sure that everyday no matter what you write for 30 minutes and you read for 30 minutes, for 30 days.

Starting tomorrow the 13th through February 13th you have to do it everyday.

We will keep up with each other through Twitter and hashtag #30thirty30

Follow me now so I can always RT and keep up!! http://www.twitter.com/authorewalker

Okay, it starts tomorrow. If you are with me, comment on this post I'm in, send me a tweet, or hit me up on Facebook. It is time to do this 30 - 30 - 30 thing.

Who is going to accept the challenge???

<3 Emily

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Guest Post for Playing Darlene!

In this eye-opening true story, one woman recounts the double life she led working in two very different professions…one revered and the other reviled. Darlene spent over twenty years being thought of as a well-mannered teacher in a Southern California public school district, but her colleagues and students would have never imagined that for eighteen of those years she also worked as a professional dominatrix in a dungeon.

“Playing Darlene” lets the reader take a peek into the mysterious lives of professionals in the sex industry and some of the jaw-dropping encounters she had with the thousands of clients whose fantasies she helped come true. With everything from roleplaying a shopaholic wife being spanked by her husband to wrapping up a muscular cross-dressing client in plastic and watching him wiggle, Darlene helped men realize their most secret desires…while she wasn’t grading school papers on her breaks. Darlene's true stories of balancing her two different personas are frequently shocking, at times hilarious, and occasionally touching, but at the heart of the story is a woman on a personal journey not only to reconcile with her past, but also to discover the full potential of her own sexuality.

Guest Post

1.  What do you hope your topless photos in The Sport will tell/show readers about women who are over forty and their sexuality?
Many people don't realize that women over forty can still look fantastic.  Add in emotional maturity and years of experience and it's obvious that an older lady is the better choice for a man of any age.  I hope younger guys who have yet to be "cougarized" will take note of what they've been missing.
2.  Why do you think the first announcement of your book received so much interest?
My book appeals to people for several reasons.  First, readers are intrigued by the two career choices, which seem to come from opposite ends of the spectrum.  Second, most people are unfamiliar with and curious about what really goes on inside the "forbidden" world of sex, bondage, and domination.  Next, it gives women a way to vicariously live the life they didn't choose.  Finally, the book is ultimately about my own empowering journey.  Women love comparing notes so to speak.
3.  Do you see yourself as a sex symbol now?
I do believe a woman can be a sex symbol at any age, and I'd be flattered to be thought of as one.  (Joan Collins looked drop-dead gorgeous in her Playboy spread, remember?)
4.  In the UK, showing women topless in newspapers happens all the time. Why do you think Americans are much more prudish about showing skin than the British?
In general, Europeans are more open-minded and evolved than we are in this country.  When it comes to sexual matters, Americans still have hang ups about things that have been non-issues in Europe for decades.
5.  What considerations went into deciding if you should "go topless"?
In the UK, a topless photo isn't anything scandalous.  Besides, if it's good enough for Princess Kate, count me in as well.
6.  What's next for Darlene?
At the present time,  I'm writing a second book.  I plan to include the more outrageous sessions (over an 18-year period, I did over 5,000), in addition to answering some of the most common questions I've received on my Dear Darlene advice column.  After that, who knows?  I'm open to suggestions.


About the Author:

Darlene was born in Hollywood, California, and grew up in Pasadena, a quiet suburb near Los Angeles. She received a BA in German from California State University, Los Angeles. For several years she worked in television and film. Credits include General Hospital, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and the female lead in the film Monstrosity in which she played a spaced-out punk rocker. She even photo-doubled for Christian Bale in Empire of the Sun and Corey Feldman in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (when they were 14 and 12 respectively). For the past 20 years, she has been a public school teacher in Los Angeles County. She currently lives in the San Fernando Valley, where she can be found indulging in her favorite hobby, ballroom and country-western dancing. Her next book is scheduled to be released in early 2013. You may also email her at darlene@chancespress.com.

Darlene was featured in an episode of Discovery Fit & Health's “Shocking Family Secrets.” The episode will aired on Thursday, Dec. 27th at 10PM (9PM Central).


Available at: Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Playing-Darlene-Professional-Dominatrix-ebook/dp/B0094JN1R2/ B&N - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/playing-darlene-darlene/1112737604 Smashwords - http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/223956